I love a 3 day weekend! It could have been 4 but my conscience got the better of me and work beckoned. The work is piling up on my drawing board at the office.
I spent Saturday catching up on the mounds of laundry. I increased my Netflix membership to 5 DVD's! Just for the summer, of course. So I spent hours in front od old episodes of Mapp and Lucia and a TV series I hadn't heard of until it appeared in my Netflix recommendations, Firefly. I'm not usually interested in sci-fi but this one is pretty good and anything that holds my interest while ironing is worth renting.
Finally had a chance to take the boat out. The dock was packed and so were the waterways. The weather was warm and our trip down the Halifax river was great. Erik and his friend Michael enjoyed tubing. Our friends, Nancy and Jerry met us on their jet ski complete with their lab, Mandy.
I finished crocheting a little string grocery bag out of Lily Sugar n' Cream cotton while on our trip. My next project will be a pair of socks from the Sock Kal that I joined a few months ago. The new series is beginning on Tuesday and I am curious to see what kind of pattern it is and if I can complete the project in the time given!
Tonight we're going to EPCOT'S flower and garden festival. This time I will take my camera. Their hanging baskets are always so impressive.