Coming home to 3 boxes from 3 different yarn companies is such a joy. Just like Christmas. I can understand why one gets itchy fingers and has so many projects going at one. I am determined to finish the chenille sweater before casting on any more. My poor 6 sox is languishing away untouched. Among my loot is the second ball of Elann sock yarn so there are no excuses. Progress so far...
The chenille is so blinding and hard to photograph, but I think that this is a good representation.
The yarn above is for the knitty sweater called Tigger. The Skacel yarn is so soft and the colors so vivid. The tape yarn from Berrocco is a perfect math. The designer just had this stuff laying around ...imagine. My next purchase will be some cashmere yarn. A library book, Vogue Knitting On the Go, I think its called, has a baby sweater in a seed stitch with silk ribbon embroidery. I tracked down the yarn...$23.00 for 50 grams. I would need 250 grams. Too pricey for a baby to spit up on. Beautiful though. I was told that Debbie Bliss has a nice cashmere blend called Cashmerino. Maybe I'll give that a try. I should really make my family something next. Tom could use some new socks and maybe I could knit a hoodie for Erik the slacker.