I just returned home from quaffing a bottle with Lisa. Tom said that he just received a call from a collection agency wanting me. They were looking to collect an overdue amount of $22.00 for a parking ticket that I incurred in, get this...1988! That was what (not sure I can count that high right now) 17 years ago. Tom thinks the agency is in New Jersey and the operator from India...Pakistan...somewhere in Asia, probably outsourced. This got me thinking about how the hell it could have been triggered. When all the fuss about missing children, sexual predictors went down, the papers were full of the .gov website to check for bad guys in your neighborhood. After many prompts, who can resist to snoop with impunity. As I was looking up our zip code the faces were listed in alphabetical order on the left. I was perusing the addresses when Erik walked up behind me and recognized the boy across the street. I would have never noticed the mugshots resemblance. Anyway as on site lead to another, I discovered that one could type in anybodies name and...poof... there's their rap sheet. Mostly innocuous stuff... like traffic tickets. I plugged in my name an saw that there was a ticket in my name from 1988. After a call to an officer friend, he assured me that it must have been overlooked, it got me to think back to past transgressions.
I used to work for Walden's at our local mall. I remember having to haul books in my car, from on location to another, particularly during the holiday season. Bestsellers one store or another had a glut or lack thereof. I remember parking in the no parking zone and leaving my trunk ajar. A young overzealous officer, female, was busy ticketing my car. I argued to no avail. I remember opting for a court date. I even remember hauling out our ancient Polaroid camera and taking a picture of the "Unloading Only" sign. I recall wearing a fetching purple Benetton sweater/skirt ensemble, complete with black silk scarf. I remember being mortified as every defendant plead trooped past the bench, pleading guilty to DUI's, speeding, driving with a suspended license, etc. I though, God, I don't have a chance. The judge was surprised as I plead not guilty. After presenting my photos and my well prepared case, he smirked and pronounced the not guilty verdict. I had my day in court. So, why am I now being hounded for the 22 bucks...stay tuned.
Om to more pleasant matters, I have completed my first baby sweater and used my old Teddy to as a model. The chenille is very shiny and after 3 tries have settled on this photo.
I have frogged the Pingouin ribbon( for the 3rd time) to begin the next sweater. I so want to begin the Tigger sweater but feel the need to knit up the past as best can. I'll have to ask Julie if she remembers the shopping trip in Flushing.
The yarn has finally become attractive and fun to knit. I truly have knit 3 things that never were completed. Maybe 4 times a charm.