Erik's first party, Friday, was a success. I learned a lot about adolescents. That they take up a lot more space than adults do. Their attention spans are as short as ever. Hormones have an aura. I was reminded of something Jackie Kennedy said.
If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do well matters very much.
Return to work after a rainy weekend. I was actually productive and learned that 8 hour days are easier than 6 hour days. I finished a kitchen and have 2 more to go before I'm caught up.
I am avidly knitting my Chutes and Ladders sock. The white just doesn't seem to show up when photographed. The other sock is for CIC and is a Regia variegated wool blend. I want to start another project, something small for a friend baby, not yet born...Gianna. I'll have to see what I can come up with...