Tom and I had a pretty hairy adventure on Saturday. We took the boat out to Ponce Inlet and beached on our little sandbar in the river. I was napping with I heard a distant rumble of thunder. Tom was reluctant to pack up but I convinced him that we should go. As soon as we were parallel to the party sandbar across from the inlet, the ocean suddenly became very rough. It took so many people by surprise. The lightning was cracking all around us and the waves were getting bigger as the rain started coming down in heavy drops. Soon the boats were flying past us creating more waves. We were hoping that we could stay on course so we could take shelter under the pink bridge. As we got closer, we saw a little Glastron boat swirling around in circles. The motor had evidently flooded and the 3 occupants were pretty scared. One of them was a little boy about 8. Tom turned back into the storm and after several tries to throw them a rope and tow them we were successful and we were able to make it under the bridge. There was another boat there with the passengers clinging to the concrete wall with their fingers because there were no cleats to tie up to. The current was so strong and we had this extra boat we were trying to tow that it took many attempts to make it to the wall where we too hung on for dear life. We all clung to the wall for about 45 minutes until the storm passed us. I will say that I don’t pray much, but I did that afternoon. I thought Erik and hoped that we would make it home safely. The people on the boat thanked us over and over. They had been out there with boats whizzing by and no one wanting to take a chance to rescue them until we came along. It was a good feeling to have, knowing that people will help each other in times of danger. I wondered what Erik would have made of the day had he been with us.
My poor blog has been languishing and needs some attention. So I have taken time to photograph my progress and get things up to date.
On the knitting stash, the one I didn't think I had has been sorted. I took heavy measures and scissors and threw away yarn and sweater fronts and acks.These had not been touched since the very early '80's!
I did salvage some old Lustersheen from Woolworth's, my old job in my '20's . I not much on the Fabulous Flattery pattern. I think that its a size 6. Instead, I will transform it into a sweet little sweater dress called "Petite Chic" in the Minnowknits book. My quandary is whether to knit the body red with ivory dots or visa versa.
I have posted progress on my other projects on the right. My Tricotine sweater is in need of seams and the Chutes and Ladders socks are looking somewhat deformed but I am so over this pattern and the yarn that I'm moving on. I shopped for new yarn for the August KAL and have settled on Lorna's Laces Shepard wool in denim. Connie says the nothing says "Fall" more than denim sock and a pair of loafers. I was at a loss so I agreed!