After a years hiatus I decided it was time to check if there was any activity within the only local knitting group in my area. I had attended a couple of times last summer but found it tough to break away for the 50+ mile round trip on a weekly basis. Truth be told, I miss the companionship that group knitters have. Not to mention the tips and tricks one can pick up and the chance to fondle other knitters stashes and WIP’s.
The “Bee-Line Knitters” meet at the Merritt Island Barnes and Noble every Wednesday. I arrived in Merritt Island a tad early with enough time to hit the TJ Maxx and rifle through their racks, always a favorite pastime. As I headed over to the bookstore lugging my overstuffed knitting bag, I trailed a lady toting a slim straw bag with a telltale strand of yarn hanging out; I knew that I was on track. Sure enough 3 café tables were shoved together, covered with patterns, needles and surrounded with knitting paraphernalia. Greetings were exchanged with a few of the girls remembering me from last year. It took no time to plop down and join right in.
The lady to my right was busy knitting little wooly socks for the CIC project, a group that I learned about knitting with 6Sox. Most were knitting socks with a couple of scarves and a sweater thrown in. I had started out casting on the “Split Cable Top” and so that was my project to work on for the evening. My trouble started soon after counting my stitches. I actually frogged all the rows that I knit because all the talk took my attention away from what I was supposed to be doing and I thought that I had miscounted my rows. The life of a lonely knitter is one of solitude, not used to the glittering café lights and the constant bustle of people. My attention kept wandering towards the cute guy a table away with his nose in the books, the 2 giggling girls with their stacks and stacks of fashion magazines, the man behind me in constant cell phone conversation. Wow, so many distractions.
My evening ended with a trip through the stacks and a stop at the register. I treated myself to the new Vogue Quick and Simple Knits. This can’t be considered stash, right? So, if time permits, I will make an effort to reintroduce myself to the group knitting experience.
Footnote: I just found out that Scout is dying custom hurricane sock yarn for those of us with past experiance or those wishing to knit socks with yarn called "Run Like Hell", "Blue Roof" or "Storm Surge". I am just sorry that I missed this swap. Too many blogs, to little time. Sigh!