I have my boy back! Someone to argue with again! He’s grown a few inches and we’ve got a few weeks to regroup before school starts again. It’s so good to be home again. I’m drowning in a pile of smelly camper clothes but the older I get the more I like to just be home.
My grand plans for finishing the cable top in the car went awry when I realized that I left all the skeins at home. We had just been on the road 30 minutes when my ball ran out at the Edgewater exit. Lucky for Tom, I had an extra sock project in my bag of tricks. I finished the first Rock and Weave sock by the time we hit Macon.
This trip was planned with some sight seeing in mind. We had an extra day to tour some of the antebellum houses and look at the neighborhoods. What stuck me was the sheer quantity of historic real estate in great condition. Homes that would sell for millions here in Florida are a fraction of the price. If only we could just move our jobs a few hundred miles northwest, we would so be there! I fell in love with a little house on College Street. Hard to believe that Macon has only one Bed and Breakfast. Me thinks they need some competition!
We had taken a side road through Cordell and bought some Georgia peaches and yellow watermelon at the farmers market. The flesh of the watermelon is yellow and sweet as can be. When we arrived home I baked a wonderful Peach Upside-down cake in my trusty cast iron skillet. The recipe is in Cooks Illustrated Best Recipe, my favorite cookbook for the moment.
I discovered a new yarn shop in Macon, Creative Yarns on Vineville. Either I’m deprived or this store had one of everything (that I wanted, anyway). I could have stayed for hours and spent a fortune…but I didn’t. My small haul included a new knitting basket, some Plymouth Sinsation in a rich red. A skein of gorgeous mohair/tape yarn in a shade of sunset and a skein of Trekking XXL. I guess I didn’t meet the Summer of Stash requirements. I just couldn’t help it. The fact that I have no shopping opportunities here makes it very difficult to have restraint when the chance to browse among the bins instead of online comes around. Christy, the shops owner was very kind and in the year that she’s been in business, is already packing up to move to a larger location a few doors down.
Here is my Saturday sky shot, albeit, 2 days late. A typical balmy Florida evening.