Nothing throws my day off kilter more than traipsing outside to the street and finding that the paper has not yet arrived. On a Sunday, no less and it is after 8AM. The sky is sufficiently cloudy as to indicate rain for the rest of the day. Perfect, had I had the paper in hand!
I headed for the bright screen of my computer to catch a little news only to find that Ernesto has become a category 1 hurricane. Floridians were giving up hope. It has been such a peaceful summer, dry but peaceful. The much needed rain is a blessing. I just don’t want to revisit the stress and angst I felt the last two years that were record breaking storm seasons.
My knitting has been a constant. I am working on 2 projects, the Thuja sock and the Top-Down Sweater. Both will be off the needles today. Unfortunately I will not have the socks flying off to Italy until tomorrow. Hopefully they will fit and be loved in spite of their tardy arrival.
Yarn has found its way into my house even though I joined the “Summer of Stash”. I have publicly flogged myself and apologized for my transgressions. I present to you a few of my latest acquisitions.
Habu silk mohair
Off the needle are Thuja Sock in Trekking XXL
Knitting Pure and Simple’s Baby Pullover in Elann’s Sonata
Just for fun...I finally hung the watercolors that i bought last November and still have a huge blank spot over my buffet.
Finally, the elusive bee in the hibicus. I caught her/him fleeing the scene.