I pride myself on knitting quickly. No match for Phoebe in Tampa though.
Upon my return home after swatting gnats at a swim meet in Edgewater, lunch at the fabulous PJ Seafood Shack (thanks again Julie!) and a quickie shopping trip (not in that order), I found my email box sans dossier. The Sock Wars forum won’t let me post either. It’s a plot. My last resort was the YarnMonkey blog and there was the pattern for the “International Sock of Doom”. My needles and Fixation in hand, I quickly cast on and knit until my hands resembled claws. After a fitful nights sleep, I awakened at 5:30 AM to knit some more. I took the knitting with me on our boat journey and I knit in the car to and from the ramp. One sock down and one to go and still no dossier on the intended target in my in box. I broke down and Googled. Eureka, I found her, my assassin. All is fair in love and sock wars. The last entry on her blog was dated September 9th. Hoozah, she’s still in the dark. Well, nice Pischi should give her a heads up, just in case she’s not knitting yet. No sooner had my email reached her inbox, back popped this reply:
Hi Patti:
How bizarre is this...I just came back to the computer to e-mail you to get your address as I just finished your pair of socks (and obviously no dossier yet from yarn monkey with your address). So when you get the chance can you e-mail me your address? I took off work on Friday and was watching forum and when it got fairly late in the day I checked out yarn monkey's blog and discovered the pattern. How far along are you with your victim's pair?
Thanks for the heads up...what a nice and willing victim!
She took off work on Friday?! I guess I’m not Warrior material, that, or just old tired and too many pots to stir.
I will keep knitting though and send Sock 1 and Sock in Progress off to Tampa. Get ‘em, Phoebe!
The International Sock of Doom
Saturday Sky