I usually am one to get up and fetch the paper on weekend mornings. I was stopped in my tracks on the door step by a pile of dirt with an “S” scrawled into the middle of the pile. A gang sign! Erik’s friends were over last night. That was it, a prank. Then I spy movement. An industrious roach-like bug is backing out of the tunnel into the “S” pushing a mound of dirt with its back feet. He disappears under ground and about 5 minutes later repeats the performance. Tom can’t stand it. He has visions of giant underground termites sinking the house. I won’t say more. The pile is no longer.
I treat myself to a pedicure as often as I can carve out time on a Saturday to do so. My salon of choice is one of the many Vietnamese shops that offer their services for $20.00 plus tip. This particular shop offers O·P·I polish and a hell of a leg massage. Bliss.
I always take my knitting. As always I sat in the cushy chair, submerged my feet and pulled out the DaCrapo sleeve that I am currently working on. Every now and then I get a comment from the neighboring chair. Today I actually had an avid audience of one. She asked good questions and I gave good answers. Good. Toward the toenail dying portion of the treatment, she actually said that we should meet up on the second Saturday of October, just to see the progress of the jacket. I was really touched.
Due to rain and an overactive internet connection, I fixed my account issues at KnitPicks and bought several skeins of “Gloss” for Susan’s "Victorian Diamond Top" socks, Pallet for the "Tulip Socks" and Shimmer for the "Candle Flame" shawl. Then I thought that 1 skein of Handmaiden’s Sea Silk was not enough to make a decent project and found another Berry skein along with the Storm Water Shawl pattern. It’s great to have work to pay for these trifles!
Speaking of work, I work in the kitchens and bath design industry when I’m not knitting. I was amused to see BHG designed a “Knitchen” for their latest kitchen and bath issue. Very cute, I want one!
Susan Watch
Her husband reports that she has gotten out of bed and walked around today and is somewhat out of breath. Very encouraging!
Saturday Sky