It has been a while since I signed up for anything blog interactive. This swap doesn't put me in the position of making anything for anyone. Good, no stress. Its only requirement is read giftee's profile in the form of the following questionnaire, to consume and pass said consumables on in the form of a package. Hey, that's easy. Who doesn't like to get a surprise package in the mail? Here are my answers...
1. What's your favorite type of yarn?
Ghost stories...tall tales... no really, I love hand dyed sock yarns, especially those from small independent shops. I don’t turn my nose up at any yarn though.
2. What's your least favorite type of yarn?
Probably the 100% synthetic yarns, although some synthetics have their place in yarn blends, I like merino blends.
3. What's the first thing you do when you visit a new yarn shop?
I take a turn through the shop to assess the lay of the land. Unfortunately, most of my shopping takes place from my computer.
4. What other crafts do you do / would like to do?
I like paper-craft. I treated my self to a kit from Paper Bella Studios and enjoyed putting it together. I also like to sew when I get the chance. I think that I would like to try my hand at dying or spinning some day.
5. What magazines do you currently subscribe to?
Cooks Illustrated, Bust and Wine Enthusiast
6. Put this type of magazine in order of preference:
Home, Food, Knitting, Garden…forget the rest
7. What items do you like to knit / crochet?
Socks! Scarves! Sweaters!
8. Are you allergic to anything?
Not yet
9. What do you like to* smell of?
I love sandalwood, vanilla, old roses, lilac, lavender, bergamot, and citrus. Not too sweet though.
10. What's your favorite way to relax?
A good book, a cocktail, (current favorite libation is Lemoncello and Cranberry) preferably in bed or in a quite garden.
11. You're stood in front of a Victorian style sweetshop, an Italian cafe, an old fashioned bakery and a dainty tea room. Where do you go first?
I'd keep walking until I found the bar! Just kidding...Probably the Italian café. Nah, keep walking.......
12. What do you come out with?
Nothing, sit and consume my treat on the premises, hopefully at a table on the sidewalk behind large dark sunglasses. The better to people-watch.
13. Where do you go next?
Most likely the bakery for a box of something to take home. Then, well, see # 10.
14. Any other words of wisdom for your pal?
Life is too short for regrets.