When you sign up to a swap, you definitely take chances that the person that you've been assigned to has a different standard of gift-giving. Thats OK. You also take a chance in that you will be left out of the process altogether. Thats OK, too. It can happen. Many feel that they've over-committed and can't quite find a graceful exit so they go underground. Perhaps situations at home or at work are so overwhelming and...well, we've all been there.
I signed up for the Hurricane Swap Party this year. I have had two fabulous swap experiences, nay, make that three. Our fabulous swap hostess, Christybelle, was my angel and sent a box my way when my person couldn't.
I arrived at my desk this afternoon and waiting in the chair was a little box. Our small office was curious. Everyone shook the wonder package, even the dog. Inside were a cavalcade of surprises. Nestled among endless leis and plucky pink flamingos were, treats to eat, yarn to knit with, needles and snazzy tissues in fabric cases (lovingly sewn), soap for the lingerie drawer, and a lacy sock. I have another WIP!
Thank you ever so much for your generosity, Christy. You shouldn't have...but I'm glad you did!