I don't know about your household but tension is building and our goblets are boiling over with the anticipation for the latest Harry Potter movie. Midnight is the witching hour and when our small theatre is showing the new release, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. We are not going to make that showing. Erik thinks that we should tonight go and then see it again tomorrow. As for me, there is no Starbuck's within 25 miles of here and I would probably not make it through the previews.
I knit another pair of Horcrux socks just because. The pattern is among my favorite, they are treats for the feet. These are knit using Debbie Bliss Cashmerino, this time in a rich cranberry. They are knit on size 5's over 40 stitches and can easily be knit in a weekend. The pattern can be found here on Susan's site.
I intend to sport these around the house this winter. With a house full of tile floor, my feet will thank me. Too bad that the temperature is in the 90's or these would be on my feet during the movie.