I've had a bout of radio silence. November's NaBloPoMo sucked all the words right out of me. After two weeks hiatus, I'm refreshed and back at the keyboard. There are still many blogs to catch up with and Ravelry forums to peruse and I have Christmas week to relax and read.
During the summer I had the opportunity to teach my friend Susan to knit. For those who have been reading my blog for a while know my dear friend had a bout with sarcoma last year. She survived the loss of part of her lung and recovered sufficiently to run as part of a relay team in our towns mini triathlon this year. Cancer is a persistent adversary and a large tumor returned in her thigh. She took charge and found a physician willing to operate and remove the tumor. Moffitt Cancer Center provides their patients with a blog. She could keep us informed of her treatment and progress while away from home. Susan said that writing was a kind of cathartic therapy and helped her deal with the emotions. I hope to help her set up a blog to make her writing more permanent and accessible. Even though Suz is back with us she may be facing radiation or chemotherapy in 2008 but she is a fighter and now she is officially a knitter, too.
Our Thursday knitting group equipped her with needles and yarn. She has garter stitched her way to completing first dish cloth. I hope that knitting will keep her hands occupied and her mind distracted. We will be there knitting right along with her.