There is nothing knitterly that satisfies me more than a shawl. One can't have too many, they always fit, they're impressive in the eyes of non-knitters, they make great gifts in a pinch. What's more, they keep you warm and secure in their wool or silk embrace.
I was asked to knit for a local scholarship charity auction. This is my third year and an expectation on the event coordinators part. I always vacillate as to what to knit, how much should the yarn cost, what time investment should I make. Will the price paid justify my time and effort. Blah, blah, blah.
I had purchased a couple of skein of Fleece Artist Noyoni for Simply Socks, 800+ yard at an incredible price, just under $20.00. Had I known what a bargain I was getting, I would have bought a dozen more. My fault for not paying closer attention. Although, hen the package arrived I gagged at my choice of Peridot. I just took a photo and tucked the huge skein away. I pulled it out to make Ishbel, my choice for this years auction. Once wound, wow, what a difference a second look makes, that coupled with a wound skein. Knitting it was even better. knit up like butter and feels great. It washed well and blocked like a dream. If you see this yarn, not easy to come by, run for your wallet and buy some. Believe me, you won't regret it.
Ishbel is also a delight to knit. The pattern can be make in two sizes, mine is the larger of the two. After I completed the shawl, I had so much leftover that a matching pair of socks was in order. I simply took the lace pattern and transformed it into a pattern in the round for 64 stitches and, voila, Ishbel socks. Did I say I loved the yarn? I think I did! Here is a quick rundown of the process. I have never winged a pair of socks in my life and I must say, it's rather liberating.
So, trawl the net or shop Ravelry for a skein or two of Noyoni and give Ishbel a whirl. You won't regret it. Maybe I'll bid on my own knitting…
I was asked to knit for a local scholarship charity auction. This is my third year and an expectation on the event coordinators part. I always vacillate as to what to knit, how much should the yarn cost, what time investment should I make. Will the price paid justify my time and effort. Blah, blah, blah.
Pattern Notes, So I Don’t Forget What I Did
Cast on 64 stitches using long tail cast on, join being careful not to twist. Place marker to designate beginning of round.
Knit ribbing, K1, P1 for 12 rounds.
Begin the Ishbel pattern (designated on chart A or B by the red box) starting with row 1. Knit every other round.
Regardless if using DPN’s or the magic loop method, one will have to move stitches back and forth to accommodate the S1, K2, PSSO’s.
I used the Yarn Harlots sturdy heel method found in Knitting Rules. I also used her recipe to turn the heel, picked up gusset stitches (mine numbered 16 plus one between heel and instep), knitting them through the back loop.
Continue knitting lace over the instep stitches. In order to keep in pattern using 32 stitches, S1, K1, PSSO on either end.
Knit away until the sock reaches the beginning of toes. Begin your favorite method of toe decrease. I ended with 12 stitches and kitchenered the toe.
Great pattern for a nice lacy pair of socks to match your Ishbel!So, trawl the net or shop Ravelry for a skein or two of Noyoni and give Ishbel a whirl. You won't regret it. Maybe I'll bid on my own knitting…